Botox is a safe and effective solution for the reduction of facial wrinkles, especially in the upper third of the face. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles under facial wrinkles to relax those muscles, resulting in the smoothing of the overlying skin. The effect is usually visible between 3 and 14 days after treatment. Over a period of 3-4 months, the treated muscles regain function.
Dermal fillers rejuvenate and enhance facial features with natural looking and feeling results. It is injected into an area under the skin to fill in wrinkles, fine lines and deep creases. It will plump up small areas such as the lips, give more volume to large areas like the cheeks and contour areas like the jawline. Immediate improvement will be visible. The results will last for 9-12 months and the treatment can be repeated to maintain a rejuvenated appearance.